Skills, Tokens, and Levels
How to level
Skill Domains within Prime Rating
There are four Skill Domains within Prime Rating. Each Skill has different allowances and can be unlocked with through our Leveling System. The more Rating Experience (RXP) Tokens earned, the more Skills you will have access to perform.
Individual or group that creates Rating reports.
Individual that reviews and gives feedback on Rating reports
Individual that reviews and votes on Rating reports
Squad Lead within PrimeDAO, responsible for any of the products
The Tokens
Rating Experience (RXP)
RXP is a non-transferable token representing rating experience points, allowing raters to level up and unlock more governance power or rewards
1/2 report = 5 RXP (e.g. no-token report)
1 Report = 10 RXP
1 Review = 5 RXP
Winner of best quality report = 40 RXP each
Winner of most reports per season =
40 RXP (1st place); 30 RXP (2nd); 20 RXP (3rd)
$D2D is the native coordination token of PrimeDAO. It can be used as an exchange of value within (or outside) the Prime ecosystem
Levels - How to Become a Legend
Each person/group starts at level 0
150 USDC + 200 $D2D + 10 RXP
25 RXP
150 USDC + 200 $D2D + 10 RXP
NFT batch (POAP)
100 RXP
165 USDC + 220 $D2D (+10%) + 10 RXP
NFT batch (POAP) + Reviewer Skill + D2D bonus
200 RXP
180 USDC + 240 $D2D (+20%) + 10 RXP
NFT batch (POAP) + Reviewer Skill + Governor Skill + D2D bonus
Grand Master
350 RXP
225 USDC + 300 $D2D (+50%) + 10 RXP
NFT batch (POAP) + Reviewer Skill + Governor Skill + D2D bonus
500 RXP
300 USDC + 400 $D2D (+100%) + 10 RXP
NFT batch (POAP) +
Reviewer Skill + Governor Skill +
D2D bonus
When can a Rater level up?
Leveling-up is based on the amount of RXP a Rater acquires and can occur only twice per Season or Rate-a-thon - Once during the Season and once at the end. If a rater starts at level 0 and submits 3 reports (30 RXP) within the first days of the Season, they will be granted Novice while the Season is ongoing. If they want to continue to Graduate, they can submit an additional 7 reports (70 RXP + the previous 30) and receive Graduate level at the end of the Season. The Rater then starts the next Season as a Graduate Rater and can level up to Master during the new Season if another 10 reports are submitted, and so on.
A Rater or Prime Contributor can also earn RXP through exceptional contributions that benefit the rating framework or PrimeDAO in general (e.g. token based research, report template design or improvements).
The rewards and benefits listed above are not set in stone and can be adjusted by Prime Stewards through governance. Additional levels, other benefits or different rewards may be added as Prime Rating evolves.
Last updated
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