Technical Contributor Guidelines

For Developers and other PrimeDAO "Builders"

These guidelines presume that you wish to contribute actively to PrimeDAO as a builder, โ€œcreating value through laborโ€. If you instead see yourself as an Ambassador to the project, check out the contribution documentation to find out more.

PrimeDAO is built and maintained by a collective of co-contributors, and there are two ways of contributing to its development:

  1. Choose one of the active issues from the PrimeDAO Github repository. Fork the repository when developing, and submit a pull request on completion. Alternatively, create new functionality in a fork of the repository, and submit a pull request on completion.

  2. Using the proposal template, submit evidence of your contribution to the DAO, as well as proposed payment via the Alchemy interface. PrimeDAO currently exists on the xDai sidechain, so if it is your first time interacting with this chain you will have to add the xDai custom RPC to your Metamask account, and convert Dai to xDai using the Token Bridge in order to submit your proposal. A guide is available here:

Submit Your First Proposal

Note that whilst it is possible to submit a proposal prior to any contribution being made, this would necessitate the DAO voting to provide payment up front. Furthermore, it is not necessary to become a member of the DAO in order to submit a proposal. For information on becoming a member, go here:

Create Your First Proposal

If you wish to contribute, join the Discord and introduce yourself in #๐Ÿค-contribute, or check out the Telegram channel. Before posting please also check the code of conduct.

Last updated