Contributor Guidelines
Help us build and grow, be part of the community, get paid for your contributions
Apart from rating related roles, there are three other ways to get involved in Prime Rating.
Bounty hunter
Bounty hunters help Prime Rating by completing work where either no in-house expertise or capacity exists, or where there is no room for hiring more long-term contributors.
Bounties are regularly posted to our Dework page along with their related payouts, typically in D2D. Some bounties can be picked up by multiple bounty hunters too.
To sign-up for a bounty, connect your wallet to Dework, express interest in one or multiple bounties and follow the guidelines listed in the bounty to get paid. Note that some bounties are gated by RXP level, and some may require relevant past experience (e.g. knowledge of design tools if the bounty is to design a graphic). In general, however, bounties are permissionless and meant as a first step to getting more involved with Prime Rating's vision and mission.
In summary, bounty hunters join permissionlessly and on a task-related, no-strings attached basis.
Core contributor
In contrast to bounty hunters, core contributors join Prime through a hiring process, and for a longer-term commitment. Core contributors also own a particular goal or success metric. A couple of examples include: (i) Manage ongoing Snapshot operations for the community; or (ii) Own external communication channels such as Medium and Twitter.
Core contributors have a clearly agreed compensation plan, either by the hour or by a particular deliverable, agreed with the core team. Payments are made on a monthly basis against an invoice presented by the core contributor to Prime Rating.
Open core contributor roles are posted to the community on Discord or discussed on the bi-monthly community calls. If you are passionate about getting involved in a particular problem space but do not see an open role, reach out and let's chat.
Core team
Prime Rating's core team are owners of Prime Rating's long-term success. They are usually hired from the core contributor pool, and have clearly defined ownership areas, typically over an entire function area or problem space (e.g. Governance, Community Growth & Engagement). Core team members also own at least one OKR and are responsible for its success.
Last updated
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